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Horizon Freebies

(25 reviews)

Top Tier Amazon Freebies Bot.


It's never been easier to secure freebies, especially with Horizon's latest updates and features.

Claim your key today, accumulate passive income, and never regret missing out on the opportunity! 🤝

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1 on 1 Support
Member satisfaction is the #1 priority. Book 1 on 1s and elevate your reselling game.
Fastest Deal Monitors
Our freebie and deals monitors are industry leading.
Automated Deal Checkout
Our software will automatically place orders for the best deals while you sleep.
Unlimited Accounts
Add as many accounts as you want to our Amazon Freebie bot.
Deal Marketplace
Want to make some cash? Sell the freebies you get in our exclusive marketplace server!
Customer Q&A
Q: Hey, does it work on amazon.es?
A: No, unfortunately we are Amazon US only at the moment. Stay tuned for further implementations.
Asked on May 28, 2023
Q: what is the difference between buying cloud membership and key? how can I run multiple amazon accounts, and what is the limit of accounts I can run?
A: With Cloud you do not run the Application on your PC. You gain access to our Web Browser Dashboard. The difference is the resources that may be an additional cost if you bought the AIO key.
Asked on May 27, 2023
Q: Hey, does it work on amazon.es?
A: No, unfortunately we are Amazon US only at the moment. Stay tuned for further implementations.
Asked on May 28, 2023
Q: Hello interested in joining but want to ask questions first, who can I reach out to?
A: You are welcome to message 'lucashuracan' on Discord, or join our waiting room and ask in our chat: discord.gg/freebiebot.
Asked on Aug 15, 2023
Q: Are there any bundles I can purchase?
A: Yes of course! if you message @zayso on discord I can put something together for you that will fit and tailor to your needs and expectations!
Asked on Nov 15, 2023
Customer reviews
4.48 out of 5
(25 reviews)
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7 months ago
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10 months ago
I recently had the pleasure of experiencing the incredible convenience and savings that a well-designed bot provides by helping me access Amazon freebies effortlessly. This ingenious bot has revolutionized my online shopping experience, allowing me to uncover a treasure trove of complimentary products on the Amazon platform. Not only does it effortlessly navigate through the vast array of offerings, but it also ensures that I receive genuine, high-quality items that align with my interests and preferences. The bot's seamless functionality has made securing Amazon freebies a breeze. It scours the platform for enticing deals, exclusive promotions, and free sample opportunities that I might have otherwise missed. This has not only introduced me to new and exciting products but has also saved me a considerable amount of money. The bot's user-friendly interface makes the process intuitive and stress-free, requiring minimal effort on my part while delivering maximum value. In a world where time is of the essence, the bot's efficiency shines. It tirelessly works in the background, notifying me of incredible offers, and providing me with the chance to enjoy a diverse range of products I might not have considered otherwise. From electronics to beauty products, household essentials to gourmet treats, this bot has broadened my horizons and enriched my shopping journey. Overall, my experience with this Amazon freebies bot has been nothing short of exceptional. It has empowered me to access an array of freebies and enjoy the thrill of discovering new items, all while saving both time and money. Its ingenuity and effectiveness make it an invaluable addition to any savvy shopper's toolkit, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their online shopping adventures.
User avatar
10 months ago
Great bot + amazing support = Success!!
Is there going to be a waitlist? Or will have have a date of when it will be Public?
Cloud has no waitlist allowing immediate access and freebies. AIO has a public waitlist with groupbuys and partnerships having shortcuts.
About the seller
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Horizon Freebies
Reselling • General

25 reviews

Welcome to the ultimate destination for freebies and insane deals - Horizon Freebies, the undisputed leader in Deals and Automation Suite! Our lightning-fast and incredibly reliable deal monitors automatically check out the latest and greatest freebies and deals every single day. Since our launch, we've already helped our users claim over a staggering $3,000,000 worth of freebies! Join our community now and experience the thrill of getting your hands on the hottest products for free, without any hassle or effort on your part! With Horizon Freebies, the sky's the limit when it comes to savings and rewards!

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